InstaLinks : help you think beyond the issue but relevant to the issue from UPSC prelims and Mains exam point of view. These linkages provided in this ‘hint’ format help you frame possible questions in your mind that might arise(or an examiner might imagine) from each current event. InstaLinks also connect every issue to their static or theoretical background. This helps you study a topic holistically and add new dimensions to every current event to help you think analytically
1. The consequences of declining fertility are many
1. Abraham Accords have led to greater regional cooperation
Content for Mains Enrichment (Essay/Ethics)
1. Sources of the Quotes asked in UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2022
1. SCO tourist and cultural capital
5. Fast-Track Courts/Special Courts (FTCs and FTSCs)
7. Urban Wastewater Scenario in India
11. Conciliation with eight armed groups in northeast
Best Wishes to those giving Mains this time.
Note: You can download the compilation of Content for Mains Enrichment (CME) from June till September 10th here. This is a short 20 pages compilation and can be highly used for those giving Mains this time.
Syllabus: Indian Society/Social Justice/ Geography
Direction: Go through once. See the trend and a few solutions.
Context: The author of the editorial argues that a below replacement level fertility rate would mean a smaller dividend window than expected
Reasons for a steady dip in fertility rates in India:
Lower fertility rates can be viewed as both a cause and consequence of economic development:
Negative implications of falling fertility rate:
Solutions for dealing with fertility decline
Though the benefits of demographic dividends are being reaped, the below replacement level fertility rate would mean a smaller dividend window than expected for India. Liberal labour reforms, encouraging higher female labour force participation rate, and a higher focus on nutrition and health would ensure sustained labour supply and output despite lower fertility.
Fertility rate below replacement level
Q. Evaluate the trends in the declining Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in India. Why are lower fertility rate and higher education rate among women not translating into paid jobs for women? (250 words)
Direction: The article is a long one. Many extra points have been added which was not covered in the article. Go through it once. Note down only if you find the points to be unique.
Context: It has been two years of the Abraham Accords. It has helped not only the member nations but has also provided various benefits to India as well. The editorial article highlights the importance of the Abraham Accords.
Mohammed Soliman, An Egyptian scholar, was the first to propound the idea of the “Indo-Abrahamic Accord” and its trans-regional implications to the west of India. The first meeting between the foreign ministers of India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States is being widely called as a new QUAD or QUAD of the Middle East on the lines of the Abraham Accord.
Fig: Mohammed Soliman- the grand strategist behind the West -Asia Quad concept
Rising importance of the Middle East region for India:
Significance of Abraham Accord for India:
The opportunities for India to the west of the Subcontinent are as significant as those that have recently emerged in the east like QUAD, which has changed the way how India had transformed the way it thinks of “Indo-Pacific”, the notion of a “Greater Middle East” can provide myriad opportunities to India’s engagement with the extended neighbourhood to the west.
Q. The opportunities that are coming India’s way to the west of the Subcontinent are as consequential as those that have recently emerged in the east. Discuss the statement in the context of the Abraham Accord and its significance for India. (15M)
The Essay Paper of UPSC CSE 2022 followed the previous trend of philosophical and abstract topics but was lucid in language and simpler to understand than the previous years’ topics. Challenge remained in selecting the right topic and building content.
Q1. Forests are the best-case studies for economic excellence
Q2. Poets are acknowledged legislators of the world
Q3. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man
Q4. A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what is a ship for
Q5. The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining
Q6. You cannot step twice in the same river
Q7. A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities
Q8. Just because you have a choice, it does not mean any of them has to be right
For a detailed discussion, see Vinay Sir’s discussion of the Essay paper on Monday.
The city of Varanasi has been nominated as the first-ever SCO Tourism and Cultural Capital during the period 2022-2023 at the 22nd Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Council of Heads of State in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
The nomination of Varanasi as the first ever SCO Tourism and Cultural Capital will promote tourism, and cultural and humanitarian exchanges between India and the SCO member Countries. It also underlines India’s ancient civilizational links with the Member States of SCO, especially the Central Asian Republics.
Context: Despite sanctioning record numbers of Eklavya model residential schools for tribal students and setting up the National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) to manage these schools in 2018, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has so far been unable to fix the teacher shortage faced across 378 of such schools that are currently functional.
Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS)
Direction: This is taken from the editorial on the scheme.
Context: The Tamil Nadu government’s launch of the free breakfast scheme for schoolchildren is an instance of a policy initiative with far-reaching consequences for school education and public health.
Concerns: The government must avoid the errors of omission and commission — including pilferage, poor quality of food, delays in sanctioning funds, and caste-related disruptions — that have been hurdles in its path earlier.
Context: Central panel calls for the regulatory body, new law for online gaming
Online gaming describes any video game that offers online interactions with other players. Online gaming is not prohibited and games involving money are allowed in most states of the country.
Issues Highlighted by the Panel:
Online Gaming (Regulation) Bill, 2022: sought to create an online gaming commission.
India needs a regulatory body that would categorise online games based on chance and skill, take a stricter view on gambling websites, and have rules enabling the blocking of prohibited formats.
Related news on Article 19(1) (g): to practise any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business
SC has stated that the right to establish an educational institution is a fundamental right on which states can impose reasonable restrictions “only by a law” i.e. using legislative power and not by executive power.
Context: Law Minister has asked for fast setting up of FTCs and FTSCs
Initially recommended by the 11th and 14th Finance commission to deal with cases of serious nature pending for more than 5 years.
FTSCs are set up under POSCO by the centrally-sponsored scheme for hearing cases related to children.
Setting up and its functioning comes under States (in consultation with High courts)
Related news: SC has directed HC to allow convicts who have completed 10 years of their life sentences to consider to release on Bail and those who completed 14 years for ‘remission’.
In the case of a life sentence, 14 years is the minimum term to apply for remission.
The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides for remission of prison sentences, which means the whole or a part of the sentence may be cancelled. Bail is the temporary release of a prisoner in exchange for security.
Context: The portal for complaint management for violation of child rights, E-Baal Nidan has been revamped by NCPCR (National Commission for protection of Child Rights)
Definition: The Child is defined as a person in the 0 to 18 years age group.
Context: India and Demark have launched a whitepaper which aims to holistically capture the current status of wastewater treatment in India and potential pathways for future treatment structures, co-creation, and collaborations.
Direction: Do have basic knowledge about Ozone, it is important for all the competitive exams.
Context: September 16 is celebrated as national ozone day.
Theme: Montreal Protocal@35 (as 2022 marks the 35th year of implementation of the Montreal Protocol)
Context: A conference has been organized under BEEP (Indo-Swiss Building Energy Efficiency Project) for helping India mainstream energy-efficient and thermally comfortable Building design for both commercial and residential buildings.
The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), along with UK-based charity Reef-World Foundation, recently launched the Green Fins Hub, a global digital platform they said would give sustainable marine tourism a ‘major boost’.
The platform will help diving and snorkelling operators worldwide to make simple, cost-efficient changes to their daily practices by utilising tried and tested solutions.
It would also help them keep track of their annual improvements and communicate with their communities and customers.
Conciliation with eight armed groups in northeast
Direction: This is in Continuation of yesterday’s article (in Facts for Prelims)
Context: Centre has signed the tripartite agreement with 8 armed tribal and the Assam government to restore peace and rehabilitation of armed groups.
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